#windrad #noblues

“Once you get used to it, it’s actually fine.“

#windrad *lizensierbar* http://www.ansgar-siebert.de

#windrad #blues

Individuals who really suffer from wind turbines … „Why have I been sleeping so badly lately?“

#windrad *lizensierbar* http://www.ansgar-siebert.de

#windrad #leise

“But, you know, the model is really super-silent.“

#windrad lizensierbar http://www.ansgar-siebert.de

#windrad #hoppla

“Oops. That wasn’t a tree. Great saw.“

#windrad *lizensierbar* http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


Wer benötigt noch einen Titel für seine Literaturzeitschrift? Ich habe hier noch einen überig … Andere Ideen?

#luteratier *lizenzierbar* http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


“What do you think about digitalization?“ „Funny thing – I heard about it …“

#digitalisierung *lizenzierbar* http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


#ohne humor *lizenzierbar* http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


Aladdin and the magic oat milk bag: „Is there a genie in the milk bag?“ „no, its oat milk“.

#wunderhafermilchtuete #aladin *lizenzierbar* http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


A pun – something like: „Port“ „Port-wine?“ „Re-port to police“ …

#tatortkommissarcasting http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


“I did not want the job, but they said that I have the best resilience …“

#befoerderung *lizenzierbar* http://www.ansgar-siebert.de

#Professioneller Service

Installation of a refrigerator by a professional services team.
Does this remind you of something?

Cost estimation: ca. 10 days of Project Management (ca. 1.200 Euro/day) plus 2 days of Installation work by Senior (ca. 800 Euro/day) and Junior Expert (ca. 600 Euro/day): 14.800 Euro.

#commission http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


… oder weitsichtig bist / oder auch an so einem fancy Putin-Tisch sitzen magst…

„If you need some distance to your work / or are farsighted / or like a Putin-like desk“ „… when you’ve inherited something …“

#weitsichtig http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


„I radicalized myself for five years, 8 hours a day.“ „Well, in that time you could have studied law.“
#jura http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


„The new Tatort commissioner is still having teething problems.“



Karneval in Venedig? Zombies unter Kannibalen? The Walking Dead? Die Frösche mit der Maske?
Nein, ein Corona-Veteranentreffen.
Am 22.März 2020 trat der erste Corona-Lockdown in Deutschland Kraft.

Carnival in Venice? Zombies among cannibals? The Walking Dead? The frogs with the mask?
No, a Corona veterans‘ reunion.
The first coronavirus lockdown in Germany came into force on March 22, 2020.

#COVIDLockdown #LockdownJubiläum



“This time rather the soft factors were decisive for the application rejection.” “Are you implying that I’m too fat?”



We accompany the Schulz family on their 2-year trip around the world. „Over time, you simply realise how little you need.“ „… when you’ve inherited something …“ „You again.“


„booah – disgusting – these camel hair bonbons“ (this is a pun that cannot be translated so easy; but be assured, it is funny)


„Oh man, I hate armpit hair [sounds like Alexa in German]
„Boss, he doesn’t like me. Should I paralyse his internet?“
#Alexa http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


„… am I right at the repeat of the election?“ „It depends: Today is the repitition of the time before last. Tomorrow is the repeat of last time. The day after tomorrow is the repeat of the election from 3 years ago…“
#election http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


„Boss! Is my job actually under threat from AI too?“ „You can say CHAT to me.“
#KI http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


„That’s all mine!“ – „… in my fantasy …“ http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


“… make something that sounds somewhat like da-da-da-dammm …”

#whiteboardsketch #ki

#whiteboardsketch 01

… oder heißt es der „Wachturm“? Egal, was wäre Dein Spruch?


… ich bin aach schon ganz doschenanner… http://www.ansgar-siebert.de


Ej, es geht nicht darum, möglichst originell zu sein. Sei einfach du selbst und schreib auf das Plaket, was dir gefällt und unserer geilen Demokratie hilft.

